Upcoming Events


Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Community Groups

Community Groups are an essential part of discipleship at Cornerstone. This year we are offering a variety of themed community groups for people to join. Please take a look and sign up using the link below.

Sign-up to Serve in a ministry

We want to invite you to engage in the worship of service here at Cornerstone Church. We have a number of areas where there is need for participation from our church family. These are special opportunities for us to live into our faith and serve each other in imitation of our Lord.

A Focus on Prayer

If we are going to see the Lord's Kingdom advance in Northwest Detroit, the spiritual dead come to life, disciples made for Christ, and personal spiritual growth in our lives, PRAYER must be PARAMOUNT. As a church family, we have drifted from emphasizing prayer recently. We must reset and make prayer a much bigger priority in our church body. Prayer is non-negotiable if we desire to see The Lord move greatly in our church body and community. 

Church Membership

If you feel you are ready for, are considering or have questions about membership at Cornerstone, please reach out to Pastor Tyler via the link below. 

Mission Three: Intentional Evangelism

We’re relaunching our Mission Three campaign and inviting each of you to join in:

  1. Who are three people (or families) that you have a unique opportunity to connect with during this time? 
  2. How can you pray and connect with these people?
    • Reach out and ask how you can be praying for them.
    • Find unique and creative ways to check-in and bless each person God has laid on your heart.
    • Share sermons, worship guides and/or devotionals directly or via social media.  
  3. Let’s use the time that God has given us in our homes to pray and plan how we can consistently lift these people up to God.